June Meeting update
Our first meeting was on June 30 at Mutually Human Software and we had about 20 people show up. We did introductions and talked long about what we wanted from the group and how it would work.
At this point our plan is to meet the third Thursday of every month. We’ll have one or two main topics as well as have 2-3 people talk briefly about whatever plugin is amazing them at the moment, and wrap up with open conversation.
Kevin Behrens spoke briefly about Role Scoper and Revisionary, describing what each do.
We wrapped up by having open conversation so people could start interacting.
All in all I think it was very successful, and I’m really looking forward to next month’s meeting.
Next Month
Next month’s meeting is also at Mutually Human Software on 21 July.
Brian Richards and Luke Rumley are going to talk about the WPStartbox and Genesis theme engines, and Kevin Behrens will talk some more about Roles.