Steve Day presenting on Retina-Ready WordPress

Retina-Ready WordPress: Feb 2015 meetup

We talked about Retina-Ready WordPress at our Feb. 19, 2015 meetup. Below are the notes. High Density Images Presented by Steve Day Steve’s post Retina Images on GitHub Use Real Favicon Generator to generate favicons for a variety of platforms. Jetpack Photon and WP Retina 2x Presented by Chad Warner Jetpack Photon What it is Jetpack module CDN for images Runs…

WordPress Grand Rapids WordPress Perfomance Optimization

WordPress Performance Optimization: May 2014 meetup

We talked about WordPress Performance Optimization at our May 15, 2014 meetup: testing, hosting, caching, CDNs, image optimization, queries, transients, and more. Get ready! WordCamp Grand Rapids 2014 is August 15-16! Remember, you can also find us on Meetup, Twitter (@wpgrandrapids and #wpgr), and Google Groups. If I missed anything in the notes below, please leave a comment, and…

Improving WordPress Performance, June 2013

Our June 2013 meetup was Improving WordPress Performance. Topher DeRosia, Brian Richards, and Chad Warner talked about various ways to make WordPress sites load faster. Below are the video and notes from the meetup. Also, Brian encouraged the group to get involved in WordCamp Grand Rapids 2013 by volunteering, speaking, and/or sponsoring. Transients Transients temporarily…