Booking Reservations and Appointments in WordPress: April 2015 meetup
We talked about Booking Reservations and Appointments at our April 16, 2015 meetup. Below are the notes.
BirchPress Scheduler and PTA Volunteer Sign Up Sheets
Presented by Matthew Patulski
- BirchPress Scheduler
- BirchPress Scheduler (free version)
- PTA Volunteer Sign Up Sheets
Other reservation, appointment, and event plugins
Presented by Chad Warner
- Event Espresso
- add-ons
- Event Espresso 4 Decaf (free)
- Event Registration
- Appointments+ (WPMU DEV)
- The Events Calendar (Modern Tribe)
Even more options
These plugins and services were recommended by the group.
- ScheduleOnce (service)
- Sugar Event Calendar (Pippins Plugins)
- Event Organiser
- WP Booking Calendar
Topher DeRosia recommended the post Best Hotel and Room Reservation Plugins for WordPress (WP Mayor).