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WordPress Q&A/Study Hall: Nov 2013 meetup

Our November 2013 meetup topic was WordPress Q&A/Study Hall. We discussed questions and helped each other with our WordPress sites. Here’s a summary of the questions, answers, and other items discussed.

If I missed any, please leave a comment, and I’ll add to the post.

Relational database to relate custom fields

  • Posts 2 Posts: Efficient many-to-many connections between posts, pages, custom post types, users
  • Pods: a framework for creating, managing, and deploying customized content types and fields

Responsive Mega Menu

  • Hide Mega Menu on mobile, display simple navigation instead
  • See MSNBC for reference
  • UberMenu: user-friendly, highly customizable responsive Mega Menu WordPress plugin

Featured images in Genesis

  • For archives, Genesis first looks for a featured image; if it can’t find it, it looks for the first image attached to the post
  • Video Thumbnails will set video thumbnail as featured image

Fork a plugin and prevent updates

Must change plugin’s directory name

Breadcrumbs for CPTs

  • Create archive and style it as desired
  • Set archive to true for CPT, use rewrite API to point to desired page

Image resizing and compressing

Imsanity: automatically resizes huge image uploads

Cool stuff

  • Advanced Automatic Updates: Adds extra options to WordPress’ built-in Automatic Updates feature

  • MP6: preview future WP admin UI
  • Genericons: vector icons embedded in a webfont
  • Mentionable: Mention WordPress content with inline autocomplete inside tinyMCE (Topher DeRosia’s plugin)
  • Widget Customizer: Edit widgets and preview changes in Theme Customizer, with a control for each widget form in sections added for each sidebar rendered in the preview (Topher DeRosia’s plugin)
  • Dependency Minification: automatically concatenates and minifies any scripts and stylesheets enqueued using the standard dependency system
  • Query Monitor: View debugging and performance information on database queries, hooks, conditionals, HTTP requests, redirects and more.
  • AppPresser: Build iOS/Android apps using WordPress
  • Add From Server: allows you to import media & files into the WordPress uploads manager from the web server


  • GiveCamp Grand Rapids: a weekend-long event where software developers, designers, and database administrators donate their time to create custom software for non-profit organizations.
  • The User is Drunk: create UI that’s so good that drunks can use it
  • SiteGround: web host
  • DigitalOcean: web host
  • WPSessions: training sessions by WordPress experts (run by Brian Richards)


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