
WordPress Lightning Talks: Jan 2014 meetup

Our January 2014 meetup topic was Lightning Talks: 6-minute WordPress Presentations. Here are notes from the 5 lightning talks.

If I missed anything, please leave a comment, and I’ll add to the post.

Advanced Custom Fields

Chad Warner

  • Advanced Custom Fields in WordPress Plugin Directory
    • Description
      • Visually create custom fields.
      • Select from multiple input types (text, textarea, wysiwyg, image, file, page link, post object, relationship, select, checkbox, radio buttons, date picker, true / false, repeater, flexible content, gallery and more to come!).
      • Assign your fields to multiple edit pages (via custom location rules).
    • Documentation at
  • Great when paired with CPTs (custom post types). I use Custom Post Type UI.
  • Create field group
  • Use field in theme
    • the_field(): Displays the value of the specified field.
    • get_field(): Returns the value of the specified field. You can use it to store a value, echo a value and interact with a value.
  • Use field in shortcode

Intro to WordPress Hooks

Brian Richards

Posts 2 Posts

Kurt Hansen

  1. Install Posts 2 Posts
  2. Register a connection type in functions.php
  3. Edit post, find new Connected Pages meta box
  4. Click Create connection. Find page.

See Posts 2 Posts plugin wiki for more details.

Reducing login attempts by changing the login URL

Topher DeRosia

Install Rename wp-login.php and use it to change URL to something obscure. Then add code below to .htaccess to deny access to wp-login.php. The code makes it impossible to log in at wp-login.php for everyone. Bots keep trying and get a 403, but humans go to the new login page that you’ve told them about.

<Files wp-login.php>
deny from all

Passwordless 2-factor authentication with Clef


Bob Orchard

  • What’s Clef?
    • Authenticate to your WordPress site with iOS and Android app instead of password
    • Free
  • How do you use it?

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One Comment

  1. I was asked what code I used to make wp-login.php forbidden. Put this into your .htaccess file:

    <Files wp-login.php>
    deny from all

    and then when you go there it should be 403.

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