WordPress Backups WordPress Grand Rapids

WordPress Backups, Oct. 2014 meetup

We talked about backing up WordPress sites at our Oct 16, 2014 meetup. We covered a few backup plugins and management services. Below are the notes.

WordPress Backups WordPress Grand Rapids
Chad Warner speaking to WordPress Grand Rapids
WordPress Backups WordPress Grand Rapids
Peter DeHaan speaking to WordPress Grand Rapids

BackupBuddy & Amazon S3, etc.

Presented by Chad Warner


BackupBuddy is a premium plugin. Instructions: How to use BackupBuddy with Amazon S3.


BackWPup is a free backup plugin. These instructions are several months old, and may not be 100% accurate.

  1. Create Amazon IAM user and add to BackupBuddy group.
  2. Create S3 bucket named ow-sitename
  3. Settings
    1. General
      1. uncheck Show BackWPup links in admin bar.
    2. Jobs
      1. clear Key to start jobs externally with an URL
  4. Add New Job
    1. General
      1. Job Name: Database, files, uploads (local & offsite)
      2. Tasks: all except WordPress XML export
      3. Destinations: Folder, S3 Service
      4. Email address
    2. Schedule
      1. with WordPress cron
      2. basic, weekly, Monday (or daily or monthly)
    3. DB Backup: exclude unnecessary
    4. Files
      1. exclude unnecessary root, plugins, themes, cache
    5. To: Folder
      1. File Deletion: 6
    6. To: S3 Service
      1. Access Key and Secret Key: generate for user in Amazon IAM
      2. Bucket: select bucket for this site
      3. File Deletion: 6


Duplicator is a free plugin. Instructions (may be outdated): Copy and migrate WordPress sites with the Duplicator plugin

Backup Services

Online Backup for WordPress

Presented by Peter DeHaan

Online Backup for WordPress is a free plugin

  • many destinations
  • incremental backup

WordPress Management Tools & Hosting

Presented by Bob Orchard

WP Remote

  • TinyPint uses for backups
    • manual, not automatic; run backup, save to machine
    • downloads zip of files and database
    • can download entire site (files and database) or just database
    • can exclude files
  • setup
    • add site to WP Remote
    • install plugin
    • activate plugin
    • enter API key
    • in WP Remote, refresh


  • can run security check of site
  • many more options than WP Remote
  • performance test
  • can show WP admin screen within iframe
  • can back up database only or files and database
  • can exclude files or folders
  • can backup to multiple destinations, including Amazon S3, Dropbox, Google Drive, FTP
  • can clone and restore sites

Amazon S3

3Hub for accessing Amazon S3


  • made for agencies who create and manage WordPress sites
  • free demo sites for 14 days
  • automatic backups
  • fast; caching automatically configured

Media Temple Premium WordPress Hosting

  • backups
  • staging
  • cloning
  • easy migration
  • GoDaddy’s hosting with MediaTemple interface

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