April 2021 Meetup: WordPress, Meet AI
Eric Mann joined us on 15 Apr 2021 to talk about integrating artificial intelligence with WordPress.
We talked about Retina-Ready WordPress at our Feb. 19, 2015 meetup. Below are the notes. High Density Images Presented by Steve Day Steve’s post Retina Images on GitHub Use Real Favicon Generator to generate favicons for a variety of platforms. Jetpack Photon and WP Retina 2x Presented by Chad Warner Jetpack Photon What it is Jetpack module CDN for images Runs…
We talked about WordPress Performance Optimization at our May 15, 2014 meetup: testing, hosting, caching, CDNs, image optimization, queries, transients, and more. Get ready! WordCamp Grand Rapids 2014 is August 15-16! Remember, you can also find us on Meetup, Twitter (@wpgrandrapids and #wpgr), and Google Groups. If I missed anything in the notes below, please leave a comment, and…
Our February 2014 meetup topic was WordPress Business Workflow. Four people gave short presentations, then we had an open discussion. If I missed anything, please leave a comment, and I’ll add to the post. Work standards Ryan Hinkle Work standards are important (version control, backups, SSH, etc.) Taking shortcuts can hurt you Work standards can save…
Our May 2013 meetup was WordPress Show & Tell. Below are the video and tweets from the meetup. Also, Brian Richards announced WordCamp Grand Rapids 2013! Please consider volunteering, speaking, and/or sponsoring. Tweets Starting us off is @lukerumley showing off the benefits of @ithemes BackupBuddy — WP Grand Rapids (@WPgrandrapids) May 16, 2013 Dave McGowan…
Our most recent meetup on 19 April 2018 featured a presentation by Brian Richards about Gutenberg. Brian was unable to be with us in person, so he pre-recorded his talk, and offered his side deck. Please enjoy. Watch on Vimeo
Our November 2013 meetup topic was WordPress Q&A/Study Hall. We discussed questions and helped each other with our WordPress sites. Here’s a summary of the questions, answers, and other items discussed. If I missed any, please leave a comment, and I’ll add to the post. Relational database to relate custom fields Posts 2 Posts: Efficient…